Tuesday, February 17, 2009



everyday katie said...

I love that you guys take cupid pictures with all your kids. Abby's is adorable.

And tu-tu day is such a fantastic idea. If ever I have a girl (sigh) I'll surely implement this. I doubt it would go over well in a house full of boys.

Kelli said...

What cute cupids and tu-tu day is a hoot! Your family is adorable! Thanks for the posts!

erica said...

haha, love each one of those cupids! i can't believe how old abbi looks. im so sorry you have been by the house, i feel terrible. i swear i dont ever leave...im sure i'll be here tomorrow. if by chance im not? feel free to put the check in the mailbox...or under the door mat. thanks so much. love all the updates!

Montoya's said...

This is such a cute idea. Why didn't you tell me about it before now. I totally could have done Zak for his birthday. We really need to exchange cute ideas more.

Angie said...

It's been too long since I looked at this! There are all kinds of pictures. The kids are very cute - tu tu day is awesome.

Anonymous said...

So I come and check your blog occasionally and I have been meaning to comment on your adorable cupid kids. love you guys