Monday, February 23, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMMY - this is payback

So, I'm not going to let you get away without a birthday post after your sweet one to me on my birthday. Its your turn to be bragged about! You mentioned something in my post about you lucking out with the better spouse - I beg to differ on that. Not just because you do the laundry, grocery shopping and vacuuming - although that is a huge bonus, but because you love me and love our little ones and because your actions speak just as loud as your words. I am able to write this right now because you are doing what you do & love best - putting Cam to bed and telling him a Dragon Story. This means I still have a while to compose this but just in case you get out of his room early - by some miracle I should close. HAPPY BIRTHDAY you 32 year old - I have to say I don't dread you getting older because you just get better and better with time. THE BEST IS YET TO BE. I love you!


Tiffany said...

So sweet! Happy Birthday Jimmy!

Montoya's said...

Happy Happy Birthday from all of us to you. Happy Happy Birthday may all your dreams come true.

-The Montoya's

Angie said...

Very nice. Happy Birthday Jimmy!