Saturday, January 22, 2011


April was spent doing easter, Spring Break with Grandma & Grandpa at Little America, and a little battle wound playing basketball with the cousins. At least Cam had lost his front tooth the day before or he would have that day. The most fun event though would have had to of been Jimmy's half Marathon. He was a bit worried going into it with a sore I.T. Band, not being able to train as much has he hoped. But none the less finnished strong and faster then predicted. He contributes that to his little angel helping along the way. Cam also ran the kids portion of the race and did a great job as well. We were proud of our little runners. Also, the Easter Bunny made an extra stop this year for our little Nathan. We miss him!

1 comment:

angelj44 said...

Jeni - I loved all of your updates! Jimmy and Cam's visit with the Jazz is awesome. I also loved your Christmas letter; it is so fun to catch up with you and your adorable family.
We are so excited for you to be pregnant and will be praying that everything goes well.
We look forward to more fun blog posts. Love, Angela