Sunday, June 15, 2008


Cameron attended preschool this year. He went to the same school that Jenni's Mom taught at. He loves seeing his grandma there and had a blast staying busy, (away from Mom) and learned a lot. Here is clip of him in his spring program. If you heard Cameron sing this song early on, it was Bumble damb bee. What is that school teaching! Jenni gets a little teary eyed every Tuesday and Thursday morning because now it is summer.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Oh, man, that's soooo cute! And I love that Cameron was so well behaved and in control -- in much contrast to his classmates :) I can't believe your family is so big, now. I guess that's what happens when we only see you guys once a year. We'll be in Utah mid July, so we need to get together - maybe dinner one night. Good luck with baby Abbi, she's beautiful (even with the gunk they smeared in her eyes, makes those first few pictures interesting for all babies)