Hailee was born at 12:14 AM Sunday Feb. 6Th. She came a bit early. I was a little over 37 weeks and had been contracting for weeks. I was scheduled to be induced on 2.11.2011 but Hailee had her own plans. I went into labor on my own (I think my body & mind :( had just had it being pregnant for so long). She was a welcomed sight - looked great off the bat and melted my heart as she was layed on my stomach and immediately grabbed my finger so tight - to feel life in her - ahhhhh the best!!!
She weighed in at 6 lbs 15 oz. 21 inches long - our smallest yet but soon to prove she was strong.
We kept her with us for about 3 hours then they took her to the nursery to do her vitals/bath etc. While she was there they noticed her oxygen levels were not quite where they should be and took her down to the NICU where her chest was x-rayed and found to have symptoms consist ant with pneumonia - or possibly underdeveloped lungs. So she went from looking like this...
To this
To this
and finally to THIS :)!!!!!!
A ROOM WITH A VIEW (From the outside looking in)
One of the saddest parts of Hailee beinging the NICU was not being able to have our kids see her and hold her, while visiting with her my dad noticed the window in Hailee's room, he asked the nurse where the stairs leading to it were located. She told him and and they arranged for the kids to come to the window and we held Hailee up. Hailee's nurse Tiffany was so awesome - she spent lots of time unhooking and untangeling tubes, machines and chords to get Hailee right up to the window so her siblings could see their long awaited baby. They were so cute - that image of their faces looking in will ever be eched in my memory. Come to find out that is the only window in the entire NICU where you can get to look in. We know that was a blessing from Heaven.

Here are somethings we did to include the kids. We had them each pick out a book we would take to the hospital and read to Hailee. They were always anxious to see how she like them.

Here is some art work/ Valentines the kids made for her - as well as cute art from her awesome nurses. The greatest part of being in the NICU (if you can even imagine there is a great part....) was to get to know the amazing nurses. I have such a better appreciation for what they do (Emily and Jenn you are more amazing then I ever knew). So to Tiffany, Amy, Colette, Whitney, Shamar, Tia and Cindy and many many more We love you so much!!! Thanks for loving our Hailee. It was bitter sweet leaving for me, I wish I could have brought them all home with us!!!
A special Valentine - We got to bring her home on valentines day - a day we will never forget. It felt so great leaving the hospital all together and bringing her home!
Meeting Baby Sister
6 of 7 Clarks
Going HOME!!!!!
Smittin! He thought he wanted a brother, but he's in love! Proof was the next day when he came home from school and held Hailee before playing the wii - he usually doesn't even pee before that.
Her boyfriends minus one
Watching over....
Home just in time for our traditional 1st Valentine Cupid Photo Shoot! Sure glad she didn't have any tubes.... she was our smallest/youngest cupid yet. Can't help but think of what Nathan cupid would have looked like this day (it would have been his 1st valentines also) he would have definantly been the biggeset!

We were all sure struck with her arrows this day and for the rest of them to come.
WE LOVE YOU HAILEE!!!!! So glad you are home safe.